Nevertheless, I'm starting a blog. Why on earth would anyone do that? Well, I find that a lot of information crosses my path through my studies, basic news coverage and just the whatnots of life in general. I tend to keep my thoughts bottled up and then forget them as time passes. (some probably wish I would keep them bottled up for good!)
I do NOT expect anyone to read or follow this blog. This is done more for me as a journal so to speak, and for my wife and should the Lord bless us with children. The picture you see is of me and my lovely wife.
I welcome anyone to read this blog, especially friends, but I certainly don't expect it since time seems to be hard to find these days. I always find it interesting how each of us is given 24 hours in a day, no more, no less, yet some seem to get so much more done than others. Having said that, I do not expect anyone to give up any of their 24 hours or 1440 minutes a day to read what I have to say about anything. But if you do, I promise to try and keep it interesting. :-) God bless.
yay! im excited i always love to hear what you have to say about things! you need an "ask Jeremy" section! Also i tried to put a counter on my blog but it wouldnt let me :(
Count me as a reader of your blog!
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